
Holding 18 srl toward the acquisition of the Turin-based bank of Italy

November 29, 2018

The Corriere della Sera dedicated a large space to the new acquisition of Holding 18 Srl: The palace in via Arsenale 10, the Turin-based

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Thousand Shades of Grey

October 16, 2018

The Grey come from the union of equal parts of black and White. It's a neutral colour. The richness and particularity of this colour is its

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White Kitchen

October 16, 2018

The white colour is always a great idea to provide the kitchen a timeless style. Here are 5 ideas for a kitchen in modern style, contempo

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5 ideas: How to turn a white wall into your home

October 16, 2018

It isn’t easy to choose how to turn a white wall into your home;  In addition to painting it, the fastest and most immediate solution, I

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